The LA CRNA PAC is a valuable link to the legislative process in the state of Louisiana. It is important for CRNAs to pool resources together to help elect candidates who are supportive of CRNA issues in the Louisiana Legislature. The LA CRNA PAC allows us to aid legislators, both Republicans and Democrats, who have similar views and understanding of issues important to our organization. A strong and healthy PAC is necessary to protect and advance the CRNA profession in the state of Louisiana. We need your help to grow the LA CRNA PAC. It is easy to donate, and anyone can contribute. Please send contributions to:

8550 United Plaza Blvd., Suite 1001
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

James Poche & Kayley Bodine, LA CRNA PAC Chair

* Contributions or gifts to LA CRNA PAC are not tax deductible.

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